Swiss tree for World of Tanks proposal by Mizutayio

Czechoslovak tree (phdr_vrba)
Rdpz Staghound Rdpz Staghound


  • 44/??/?? mm
  • ???
  • 13.9 t
  • 89 kph
  • 11.5 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Driver, Radioman
  • Panzer 39/41 Panzer 39/41
      20mm HS.820
    1. 63/83/10 mm
    2. 12/12/18 HP
    3. 6 shots
    4. 4.7cm PzBw Kanone 41
    5. 70/115/24 mm
    6. 60/60/75 HP
    1. 44/??/?? mm
    1. ?? m
      GMC 270
    1. 104 hp
    2. BV4T
    3. 160 hp
    Staghound 90 Staghound 90
    Radpanzer Staghound Rdpz T17E1

    While the base vehicle is the exact same as the normal Staghound, it’s armament is completely indigenous as it only used a 20mm autocannon 5 vehicles were upgunned to a 47mm gun.

    Staghound 90 Staghound 90


  • 44/??/?? mm
  • ???
  • 15 t
  • 89 kph
  • 10.7 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Driver, Radioman
  • Rdpz Staghound Rdpz Staghound
      4.7cm PzBw Kanone 41
    1. 70/115/24 mm
    2. 60/60/75 HP
    3. 9cm Kanone
    4. 125/160/45 mm
    5. 220/220/270 HP
      Staghound 90
    1. 44/??/?? mm
    1. ?? m
      GMC 270
    1. 104 hp
    2. BV4T
    3. 160 hp
    Radpanzer Staghound 90




  • 12/??/?? mm
  • ???
  • 8.8 t
  • 76 kph
  • 18.2 hp/t
  • ???
  • Staghound 90 Staghound 90
      9cm Kanone
    1. 125/160/45 mm
    2. 220/220/270 HP
    3. 9cm Mecar
    4. 157/210/45 mm
    5. 220/220/270 HP
      MOWAG 9cm
    1. ??/??/?? mm
    1. ?? m
    1. 160 hp
      MOWAG 9 cm Mot. Pak.
    MOWAG Wotan MOWAG Wotan
    MOWAG 9 cm Mot. Pak.


    MOWAG Wotan MOWAG Wotan


  • ??/??/?? mm
  • ???
  • 8.5 t
  • 80 kph
  • 30.6 hp/t
  • ???
      9cm Pak 57
    1. 160/220/45 mm
    2. 240/240/320 HP
    3. 9cm CML
    4. 180/250/45 mm
    5. 240/240/320 HP
      Wotan MR 8-23
    1. ??/??/?? mm
    1. ?? m
      Chrysler V8
    1. 240 hp
    2. Ford V8
    3. 260 hp
      MOWAG Wotan
    Piranha PT Piranha PT
    MOWAG Wotan MOWAG Wotan


    Piranha PT Piranha PT


  • ??/??/?? mm
  • ???
  • 6.3 t
  • 100 kph
  • 31.7 hp/t
  • ???
  • MOWAG Wotan MOWAG Wotan
      7.5cm Pak 51 II
    1. 200/??/38 mm
    2. 170/??/175 HP
    4. 4 shells
    5. 7.5cm Pak 51/72
    6. 210/??/75 mm
    7. 170/??/260 HP
    9. 6 shells
    1. 40/20/20 mm
    1. ?? m
      Chrysler 360-1
    1. 170 hp
    2. Chrysler HT-413
    3. 200 hp
      Piranha PT
    Piranha ARES Piranha ARES
    Piranha PT Piranha PT


    Piranha ARES Piranha ARES


  • ??/??/?? mm
  • ???
  • 9.3 t
  • 100 kph
  • 57 hp/t
  • ???
  • Piranha PT Piranha PT
      75mm HVS ARES
    1. 230/??/75 mm
    2. 170/??/260 HP
    4. 8 shots
    1. ??/??/?? mm
    1. 830 m
      Detroit 8V-71T
    1. 530 hp
      Piranha 8x8
    Piranha I 8x8 ARES Piranha ARES


    Pz.K-41 Pz.K-41

    Early concept for AT/AA SPG built on prolonged Panzer 39 chasis.

  • 20/20/15 mm
  • ???
  • 8 t
  • 45 kph
  • 12 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Driver, Radioman
    1. 4.7cm Inf. Kanone 35/41
    2. 60/78/23 mm
    3. 50/50/65 HP
    4. 34 mm Flab Kan 38
    5. 70/100/20 mm
    6. 35/35/45 HP
    7. 5 shots
    8. 7.5cm Motor Gebirgskanone 1938 L22
    9. 42/85/38 mm
    10. 110/110/175 HP
      Panzerkanone 41
    1. 10/10/10 mm
      BJ.1. S/E
    1. 420 m
      Saurer Arbon CT1D
    1. 120 hp
      Panzer 39S Panzerkanone 41
    34M. Pz.K-41

    This is what i believe to be the very first version of the NK I due to the fact that it’s an enlarged Panzer 39 chassis with a sheet metal turret. This may sound like nothing special unless you know that, in the very early years of the NK I, it was mentioned that a tank on the enlarged chassis of the Panzer 39 with sheet metal turret was to be converted to the NK I was we know it. This and various other mentions in the archive documents strongly suggest that the 34M. Pz. K-41 has actually been built.

    It’s main intention was it to be a SPAAG/ TD hybrid for which it used the 34 mm Flab Kan 38.

    However there were other guns proposed such as the 4.7 cm Infanterie Kanone 35/41 as well as the 7.5cm Motor Gebirgskanone 1938 L22.

    Panzer 39/41 Panzer 39/41

    TNH series bought from Praga used swiss armament and equipment. After the war a new turret capable of mounting 47mm gun was prototyped for the vehicle.

  • 25/15/15 mm
  • ???
  • 8 t
  • 45 kph
  • 17.5 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Driver
  • Panzer 41 (34M) Panzer 41 (34M)
      4.7cm PaK 41
    1. 70/115/24 mm
    2. 60/60/75 HP
    3. 4.7cm PaK 41/50 (Janecek)
    4. 135/150 mm
    5. 60/60 HP
      Panzerwagen 39/41
    1. 32/15/15 mm
    2. Panzerwagen 39/41 Grossturm
    3. 32/15/15 mm
      BJ.1. S/E
    1. 420 m
    2. K-1
    3. 465 m
      Saurer 4 cyl. Diesel
    1. 125 hp
    2. Saurer Arbon CT2DL
    3. 140 hp
      Pazerwagen 39 Pazerwagen 39/41
    Panzerkanone I Panzerkanone I Panzerkanone II Panzerkanone II Rdpz Staghound Rdpz Staghound
    Panzerwagen 39/41 Pzw 39/41, Panzer 39/41


    VFZ 69E VFZ 69E


  • 100/40/30 mm
  • -12°/+21°
  • 50 t
  • 68 kph
  • 15 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver
    1. 11 cm Kanone
    2. 228/296/45 mm
    3. 360/360/420 HP
      VFZ 69 Variante E
    1. 230/100/50 mm
    1. 770 m
      MBX 833 BA-500
    1. 750 hp
      VFZ 69 Variante E
    VFZ 69E


    Chansard Finale Chansard Finale


  • 160/70/30 mm
  • ??°/??°
  • 45 t
  • 45 kph
  • 16.7 hp/t
  • ??
    1. 12cm Chansard Kanone
    2. 258/326/60mm
    3. 400/400/530 HP
      Chansard Finale
    1. 250/150/60 mm
    1. 830 m
      MBX 833 RA-500 V6
    1. 750 hp
      Chansard Finale
    Chansard Finale


    Taifun 2 Taifun 2


  • 50/30/20 mm
  • ???
  • 26.5 t
  • 72 kph
  • 21.7 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Driver, Loader
    1. 10.5 cm PzK 61
    2. 268/330/53 mm
    3. 390/390/480 HP
    1. 830 m
      Detroit 8V-71T
    1. 575 hp
      MOWAG Taifun
    MOWAG Taifun 2


    Chansard LT8 Chansard LT8


  • 100/60/40 mm
  • ??
  • +/- 90°
  • 39 t
  • 55 kph
  • 19.2 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Driver
  • Chansard 23a Chansard 23a
      12 cm Chansard Kanone
    1. 260/328/61 mm
    2. 420/420/510 HP
      Chansard LT8
    1. 100/60/40 mm
    1. 830 m
      MBX 833 RA-500 V6
    1. 750 hp
      Chansard LT8
    Chansard LT8


    Chansard 23a Chansard 23a


  • 40/40/30 mm
  • -9°/+18°
  • +/- 135°
  • 37 t
  • 50 kph
  • 17.8 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Driver
  • Chansard 6 Chansard 6
      10.5 cm Chansard Kanone
    1. 245/290/53 mm
    2. 390/390/480 HP
    3. 12 cm Chansard Kanone
    4. 260/328/61 mm
    5. 420/420/510 HP
      Chansard 23a
    1. 40/30/30 mm
    1. 710 m
    2. SE-412A
    3. 770 m
      MB 837 Ba-500 (630)
    1. 630 hp
    2. MB 837 Ba-500 (660)
    3. 660 hp
      Chansard 23 Chansard 23a
    Chansard LT8 Chansard LT8
    Chansard 23a


    Chansard 6 Chansard 6


  • 30/30/30 mm
  • -9°/+18°
  • 35 t
  • 50 kph
  • 18 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver
  • Skorpion Skorpion
      9cm CML
    1. 180/250/45 mm
    2. 240/240/320 HP
    3. 10.5 cm Chansard Kanone
    4. 245/290/53 mm
    5. 390/390/480 HP
      Chansard 6
    1. 30/30/30 mm
    1. 710 m
      MB 837 Ba-500
    1. 600 hp
    2. MB 837 Ba-500 (630)
    3. 630 hp
      Chansard 5 Chansard 6
    Chansard 23a Chansard 23a
    Chansard 6


    Chansard 11 Chansard 11


  • 70/40/30 mm
  • -9°/+18°
  • 40 t
  • 55 kph
  • 27.5 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Driver
  • Chansard LS Chansard LS
      10.5 cm Chansard Kanone
    1. 245/290/53 mm
    2. 390/390/480 HP
    3. 4
      Chansard 11
    1. 120/40/30 mm
    1. 830 m
      MTU MB 837
    1. 1100 hp
      Chansard 11
    Chansard 11


    Chansard LT2 Chansard LT2


  • 50/30/30 mm
  • ??
  • 32 t
  • 45 kph
  • 19.7 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Driver
  • Laupen 14t Laupen 14t
      9 cm Kanone model 1948
    1. 219/264/45 mm
    2. 240/240/320 HP
    3. 3
    4. 9 cm Chansard Kanone
    5. 219/264/45 mm
    6. 240/240/320 HP
    7. 4
      Chansard LT2
    1. 50/30/30 mm
    1. 710 m
      MB 837 Ba-500
    1. 600 hp
    2. MB 837 Ba-500 (630)
    3. 630 hp
      Chansard LT2 concept Chansard LT2
    Chansard LS Chansard LS
    Chansard LT2


    Chansard LS Chansard LS


  • 60/40/40 mm
  • -9°/+18°
  • 35 t
  • 55 kph
  • 21.4 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Driver
  • Chansard LT2 Chansard LT2
      9 cm Chansard Kanone
    1. 219/264/45 mm
    2. 240/240/320 HP
    3. 4
    4. 10.5 cm Chansard Kanone
    5. 245/290/53 mm
    6. 390/390/480 HP
    7. 3
      Chansard LS
    1. 100/40/40 mm
    1. 710 m
    2. SE-412A
    3. 770 m
      MB 837 Ba-500 (630)
    1. 630 hp
    2. MBX 833 RA-500 V6
    3. 750 hp
      Chansard 9a Chansard LS
    Chansard 11 Chansard 11
    Chansard L.S.



    Originally planned for Lithuania, this tank was offered to Swiss by Praga as per their requirements. Eventually succeeded by LTH, which later entered the Swiss service as Panzer 39.

  • 25/15/15 mm
  • ??
  • 7.2 t
  • 54 kph
  • 17.4 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Driver
    1. 20mm Oerlikon
    2. 32/50 mm
    3. 11/11 HP
    4. 10 shots
    1. 25/15/15 mm
      Radiostanice vz 37
    1. 345 m
      Praga F-4
    1. 125 hp

    Originally planned for Lithuania as LTL, LTL-H was offered to Swiss by Praga as per their requirements. Further evaluations led to development of LTH, which later entered the Swiss service as Panzer 39.

    For Lithuania LTL was to mount either 20mm Oerlikon autocanon or a 37mm gun.

    Only one prototype of LTL was built in april 1948 as both Lithuania and Switzerland had further specified their requirements, evetualy leading to LTH which entered service as Panzerwagen 39, and LLT for Lithuania (now based off LTH) which were built, but never delivered (USSR happpened to Lithuania before that) and eventualy ended up as LT-40s in fascist Slovakia.

    Panzer 51 Panzer 51

    The swiss army obtained AMX 13-75s in 1951 and called them Leichter Panzer 51.

  • 50/20/15 mm
  • -6°/+9°
  • 14.5 t
  • 60 kph
  • 17.2 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Driver
    1. 7.5cm Pak 51 (trommel)
    2. 144/202/38 mm
    3. 135/135/175 HP
    4. 4
    1. 40/20/20 mm
    1. 710 m
      SOFAM 8Gxb (250)
    1. 250 hp
      Panzer 51
    Panzer 51 AMX-13/75


    Laupen 14t Laupen 14t

    Similar to the Laupen 16t, this version however had a completely indigenous hull planned unlike the 16t, which was based on the G-13.

  • 40/20/10 mm
  • ??
  • 14 t
  • 50 kph
  • 17.1 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Driver, Loader
  • Laupen 16t Laupen 16t
      7.5 cm Kanone L/73
    1. 152/198/38 mm
    2. 135/135/175 HP
    3. 9 cm Kanone L/40
    4. 150/210/45 mm
    5. 240/240/320 HP
    6. 9 cm Kanone L/40 (trommel)
    7. 150/210/45 mm
    8. 240/240/320 HP
    9. 3
      Laupen 14t
    1. 60/25/?? mm
    1. 710 m
      SLM Diesel 220bhp
    1. 220 hp
    2. Rolls Royce V Petrol
    3. 240 hp
      Laupen 14t Laupen 14t improved
    KW 30/52 KW 30/52 Chansard LT2 Chansard LT2
    Laupen 14t


    MOWAG 1500 MOWAG 1500

    MOWAG Pirat with an improved turret. Only one prototype was built.

  • 20/15/15 mm
  • ??
  • 12 t
  • 60 kph
  • 20 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver
    1. 9cm CML
    2. 180/250/45 mm
    3. 240/240/320 HP
      MOWAG 1500
    1. 20/15/15 mm
    1. 770 m
      Chrysler V8
    1. 240 hp
      MOWAG 1500
    MOWAG 1500


    Panzer 51/61 Panzer 51/61

    Panzer 51 testbed for the 10.5 cm Panzerkanone 61.

  • 50/20/15 mm
  • -6°/+9°
  • 15.5 t
  • 60 kph
  • 16.1 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Driver
    1. 10.5 cm PzK 61
    2. 268/330/53 mm
    3. 390/390/480 HP
      Panzer 51/61
    1. 40/20/20 mm
    1. 710 m
      SOFAM 8Gxb (250)
    1. 250 hp
      Panzer 51/61
    Panzer 51 mit PzK 61 Panzer 51/61

    To put it simply, it’s an AMX 13 Testbed with the Panzer 61’s main gun. While only a very crude drawing is available, it was a legit project as multiple archive sources do mention this project.

    NK Prototyp NK Prototyp

    Early variant of the NK I without the gun encasement.

  • 25/20/15 mm
  • ??
  • 11 t
  • 40 kph
  • 10.9 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver, Radioman
    1. 7.5 cm FeldK. 42 L/42
    2. 103/139/38 mm
    3. 110/110/175 HP
    1. 465 m
      Saurer Arbon CT1D
    1. 120 hp
      Nahkampfkanone PT
    Nahkampfkanone I Prototyp NK I PT


    Panzer 61 AA9 Panzer 61 AA9

    Panzer 61 modernized to Panzer 68 standards.

  • 120/40/40 mm
  • -10°/+25°
  • 43.2 t
  • 55 kph
  • 14.6 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver
    1. 10.5 cm PzK 61
    2. 268/330/53 mm
    3. 390/390/480 HP
      Panzer 61 AA9
    1. 120/65/40 mm
    1. 830 m
      MB 837 Ba-500 (630)
    1. 630 hp
      Panzer 61 AA9
    Mittlerer Panzer 1961 AA9 Panzer 61 AA9


    PzHb G-13 PzHb G-13

    10.5cm SPG built from G-13 tank destroyer.

  • 5/20/8 mm
  • ???
  • 12 t
  • 40 kph
  • 18.3 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Driver, Loader
    1. 10.5 cm Haubitze L/22
    2. 26 mm
    3. 410 HP
    4. 10.5 cm Haubitze L/30
    5. 30 mm
    6. 445 HP
    1. 600 m
      Saurer CH2DRM
    1. 150 hp
    2. Praga EPA AC/2800
    3. 160 hp
    4. SLM Diesel
    5. 220 hp
      PzHb G-13 PzHb G-13 verstärkte ketten
    10.5cm Panzerhaubitze auf G-13 PzHb G-13

    After the war Switzerland planned to built a 10.5 cm SPG project on the chassis of the G-13. Most armor would have been removed in the process.

    NK I Ausf. F2 NK I Ausf. F2

    105mm howitzer armed, open topped SPG variant of the NK I.

  • 40/25/?? mm
  • ???
  • 12.5 t
  • 55 kph
  • 12 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Driver, Loader, Radioman
  • N.kanone I N.kanone I
      7.5cm Haubitze
    1. 20 mm
    2. 175 HP
    3. 10.5cm Hb.35 L/42
    4. 26 mm
    5. 410 HP
      NK I Ausf. F2
    1. 25/25/25 mm
    1. 465 m
    2. SE-202
    3. 600 m
      Saurer Arbon CT1D
    1. 120 hp
    2. Saurer CH2DRM
    3. 150 hp
      NK I F2 NK I F2 verbessert
    SFK Pz51 SFK Pz51
    Nahkampfkanone I Ausf. F2 NK I F2

    10.5cm Hb.35 L/42 SPG project on the NK I. While Ausf. 1 being the TD version with a closed gun encasement and the Ausf. 2 being the open topped artillery version. built in 1946. never entered mass production.

    SFK Pz51 SFK Pz51

    Project for 15cm howitzer on AMX-13 hull from 1958.

  • 40/20/15 mm
  • ???
  • 13 t
  • 60 kph
  • 18.5 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Driver, Loader, Loader
  • NK I Ausf. F2 NK I Ausf. F2
      10.5 cm Haubitze L/30
    1. 30 mm
    2. 445 HP
    3. 15 cm Haubitze 42 L/42
    4. 38 mm
    5. 680 HP
    1. 710 m
    2. SE-412A
    3. 770 m
      SLM Diesel
    1. 220 hp
    2. SOFAM 8 Gxb
    3. 240 hp
      SFK Panzer 51 SFK Panzer 51 verstärkte Ketten
    SFH AMX 13 SFH AMX 13
    15cm Selbstfahrkanone Panzer 51 SFK Pz51

    Similar to the French tier 6 SPG. This one on the chassis of the Panzer 51. Never built.

    SFH AMX 13 SFH AMX 13

    Built in france, 4 prototype vehicles were bought for testing in 1959. Tests were discontinued in 1964 and the vehicles never saw mass production.

  • 40/20/15 mm
  • ???
  • 16.5 t
  • 60 kph
  • 14.5 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Driver, Loader, Loader
  • SFK Pz51 SFK Pz51
      10.5 cm Haubitze L/30
    1. 30 mm
    2. 445 HP
    3. 15 cm Haubitze 42 L/42
    4. 38 mm
    5. 680 HP
      10.5cm SFH AMX 13
    1. ?? mm
    1. 685 m
    2. SE-407
    3. 710 m
      SLM Diesel
    1. 220 hp
    2. SOFAM 8 Gxb
    3. 240 hp
      SFH AMX 13 standard SFK AMX 13 verbessert
    PzHb 66 PzHb 66
    Selbstfahrhaubitze AMX 13 SFH AMX 13

    Built in france, 4 prototype vehicles were bought for testing in 1959. Tests were discontinued in 1964 and the vehicles never saw mass production. This is a would be a turreted SPG.

    PzHb 66 PzHb 66

    American M109 155 mm SPG bought by the swiss army in 1966. Later upgraded to Panzerhaubitze 66/74.

  • ??/??/?? mm
  • ???
  • 23.5 t
  • 60 kph
  • 25.5 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Driver, Loader, Loader
  • SFH AMX 13 SFH AMX 13
      15.5 cm Haubitze 66 L/23
    1. 40 mm
    2. 750 HP
    3. 15.5 cm Haubitze L-39
    4. 45 mm
    5. 750 HP
      Panzerhaubitze 66
    1. ?? mm
    1. 710 m
    2. SE-412A
    3. 770 m
    4. SE-412C
    5. 830 m
      GMCD 8V-71T
    1. 405 hp
    2. MB 837 Ba-500
    3. 600 hp
      Panzerhaubitze 66 Panzerhaubitze 66 verstärkte Ketten
    15cm HB Pz58 15cm HB Pz58
    Panzerhaubitze 66 M 109

    This first M109 SPGs for the swiss army in 1966. Later upgraded to Panzerhaubitze 66/74.

    15cm HB Pz58 15cm HB Pz58

    Initial project for the Panzerkanone 68. Plan was to mount a 15cm HB 42/46 L/42 on a Panzer 58 chassis, never built.

  • 90/30/40 mm
  • ???
  • 44 t
  • 50 kph
  • 14.3 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Driver, Loader, Loader
  • PzHb 66 PzHb 66
      15 cm Haubitze 42/46 L/42
    1. 40 mm
    2. 700 HP
    3. 15.5 cm Panzerkanone 68
    4. 48 mm
    5. 750 HP
      15cm Pz. HB. 58
    1. ?? mm
    1. 710 m
    2. SE-412A
    3. 770 m
      MB 837 Ba-500
    1. 600 hp
    2. MB 837 Ba-500 (630)
    3. 630 hp
      PzHB 58 PzHB 58 verstärkte Ketten
    Art PzK 68 Art PzK 68
    15cm Haubitze auf Panzer 58 15cm HB auf Pz 58

    Initial project of the Panzerkanone 68. The idea was to take a Panzer 58 chassis and moutn a 15cm Kanone 42/46 in a turret; never built. while no blueprints existed, it could have looked like a Panzerkanone 68 turret mounted on a Panzer 58 chassis with a shorter gun than the Panzerkanone 68.

    Art PzK 68 Art PzK 68

    Built on either a modified Panzer 61 or Panzer 68 chassis. Only 4 prototypes were built. It was discontinued due to technical difficulties.

  • ??/??/?? mm
  • ???
  • 47 t
  • 55 kph
  • 14.0 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Driver, Loader, Loader
  • 15cm HB Pz58 15cm HB Pz58
      15.5 cm Panzerkanone 68
    1. 48 mm
    2. 750 HP
      Art. Pz. Kanone 68
    1. ?? mm
    1. 830 m
      MTU MB 837 Ba-500 (660)
    1. 660 hp
      Art. Pz. Kanone 68
    Artilerie Panzerkanone 68 Art PzK 68

    SPG project from 1968/ 1969 on the chassis of a Panzer 68 ( earlier prototypes were on the Panzer 61 chassis.)

    ( I’ll try my best that WG won’t add it with an autoloader)

    Panzer 41 (34M) Panzer 41 (34M)


  • 36/18/18 mm
  • ???
  • ?? t
  • 40 kph
  • ?? hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Driver
  • Panzer 39 Panzer 39
      24 mm PzK 39
    1. 50/75 mm
    2. 20/20 HP
    3. 6 shots
    4. 4.7cm PaK 41
    5. 70/115/24 mm
    6. 60/60/75 HP
    7. 34 mm Flab Kan 38
    8. 70/100/20 mm
    9. 35/35/45 HP
    10. 5 shots
    11. 7.5cm Motor Gebirgskanone 1938 L22
    12. 42/85/38 mm
    13. 110/110/175 HP
      Panzerwagen 41
    1. 36/18/18 mm
    1. 370 m
    2. BJ.1. S/E
    3. 420 m
      Saurer V8 1941
    1. 180 hp
    2. Saurer V8T 1941
    3. 200 hp
      Pazerwagen 39S Pazerwagen 41
    Panzer 39/41 Panzer 39/41 N.kanone I N.kanone I
    Panzerwagen 41 (34M)


    Panzer 34/35 Panzer 34/35

    The swiss army bought 6 Vickers-Armstrong Light Tanks Models 1933/34 for testing purposes. Mounting 47mm infantry gun was proposed for the vehicle. Vehicles left service in 1948

  • 15/6/6 mm
  • ???
  • 4 t
  • 63 kph
  • 14 hp/t
  • Commander, Driver
    1. 4.7cm IK 35
    2. 52/70/23 mm
    3. 50/50/65 HP
    4. 4.7cm IK 35/41
    5. 60/78/23 mm
    6. 50/50/65 HP
      Panzer 34/35
    1. 20/12/12 mm
    1. 300 m
      Meadows EPT
    1. 56 hp
      Panzerwagen 34/35
    Panzer 39 Panzer 39
    Panzerwagen 35 Panzer 35, Vickers-Armstrong Light Tank Model 1934

    While the tank itself existed, the fact that it would be equipped with a 4.7cm infantry gun is merely a proposal. It would make an otherwise shitty tier 2 gift tank *cough* into a decent tier 2 light tank with good mobility and speed but no armor at all. If the gun was to be mounted in the real tank, there would have been a couple of minor changes in the turret like seats for the loader and commander ( who also doubled as a gunner), a hatch in the rear of the turret and a mount for the gun itself.

    Panzer 39 Panzer 39

    TNH series bought from Praga used swiss armament and equipment.

  • 25/15/15 mm
  • ???
  • 7.7 t
  • 45 kph
  • 15.6 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Driver
  • Panzer 34/35 Panzer 34/35
      20mm Oerlikon
    1. 32/50 mm
    2. 11/11 HP
    3. 10 shots
    4. 24 mm PzK 39
    5. 50/75 mm
    6. 20/20 HP
    7. 6 shots
      Panzerwagen 39
    1. 32/15/15 mm
    1. 370 m
    2. BJ.1. S/E
    3. 420 m
      Saurer Arbon CT1D
    1. 120 hp
    2. Saurer 4 cyl. Diesel
    3. 125 hp
      LTL-H Pazerwagen 39
    Panzer 41 (34M) Panzer 41 (34M)
    Panzerwagen 39 Pzw 39, Panzer 39, Praga LTL-H

    This is very similar to the existing Panzer 38 (t) from WoT. In it’s stock configuration it would get the historical 25mm tank gun as it exists in real life.

    Panzer 39L Panzer 39L

    Panzerwagen 39 with lenghtened hull, mounting a 34mm AA gun. Designed in 1941.

  • 25/20/15 mm
  • ???
  • 9 t
  • 45 kph
  • 13.3 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Driver
    1. 34 mm Flab Kan 38
    2. 70/100/20 mm
    3. 35/35/45 HP
    4. 5 shots
      Panzerwagen 39L
    1. 20/20/15 mm
    1. 465 m
      Saurer Arbon CT1D
    1. 120 hp
      Pazerwagen 39L
    Panzerwagen 39L Panzer 39L

    The Panzer 39L is an elongated Panzer 39 with an additional pair of roadwheels. It would mount a 34mm AA gun which could be similar to the 37mm gun on the MT-25 maybe with a bit more penetration to not make it a turd. ( pls WG, don’t screw this up). While there are no drawings for this tank, there is a pretty good description of the tank in the archives which gives us the ability to make an Impression on how it would have looked as seen above.

    Panzerkanone I Panzerkanone I

    Panzerwagen 39L with more armor, sideskirts and new turret capable of mounting 75mm gun. Post-war project (1946?) based on NKI.

  • 55/25+18/20 mm
  • -8°/+20°
  • 10.4 t
  • 40 kph
  • 21.2 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Driver
  • Panzer 39/41 Panzer 39/41
      7.5 cm Kanone L/42
    1. 103/139/38 mm
    2. 110/110/175 HP
    3. 7.5 cm L/47
    4. 110/155/38 mm
    5. 110/110/175 HP
    6. 10.5 cm HB.42
    7. 58/95/53 mm
    8. 350/350/410 HP
      7.5cm Panzerturm
    1. 75/??/?? mm
    1. 465 m
    2. SE-202
    3. 600 m
      Saurer Arbon CT2DLM
    1. 175 hp
    2. Saurer V8 Diesel
    3. 200 hp
    4. SLM Diesel 220bhp
    5. 220 hp
      Pazerwagen 39L Pazerkanone I
    HS 30-1 HS 30-1
    Panzerkanone I Panzer 39/75

    Same as with the Panzer 39L this is an upgraded Panzer 39 chassis and is thought to be a successor to the 39L. It does get more armor than the 39L and additionally it also receives Sideskirts. It gets a completely new turret with decent ( up to 75mm of Turret armor excluding the gun mantle. It was to be equipped with a 7.5 cm Gun L/43 or additionally a 10.5cm Howitzer.

    HS 30-1 HS 30-1

    A project of Hispano-Suiza in Switzerland to meet the demands for a light tank with good mobility and firepower. Prototyped in 1956. The design of this vehicle was later improved and amended to become the H.S.30.

  • ?? mm
  • ??
  • cca +/- 140°
  • 11.5 t
  • 65 kph
  • 20.9 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Driver
  • Panzerkanone I Panzerkanone I
      7.5 cm LK
    1. 108/148/38 mm
    2. 110/110/175 HP
    3. 9cm Kanone (HS 30)
    4. 125/160/45 mm
    5. 220/220/270 HP
      HS 30-1
    1. ??/??/?? mm
    1. 465 m
    2. SE-202
    3. 600 m
      SLM Diesel 220bhp
    1. 220 hp
    2. Rolls Royce V Petrol
    3. 240 hp
      HS 30-1 HS 30-1 Verstärkt
    HS 30 HS 30
    Hispano-Suiza 30-1 HS 30-1

    This is an unusual vehicle as it only showed up in the Swedish Archives. It was an early HS-30 which has a front mounted Turret with a 90mm Gun, The turret Is rather small for the gun which thus gets horrible gun depression (we’re looking at levels that make chinese tanks look good) It would be quite nimble though and quite small (1.7 meters tall) the gun is also mounted quite high so if the terrain allows it you could hide the hull and only show the relatively small turret.

    HS 30 HS 30

    Fielded in 1958, last prototypes of HS 30 featued larger turret with reworked hull.

  • 30/15/15 mm
  • -12°/??
  • 13.5 t
  • 60 kph
  • 20.9 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver
  • HS 30-1 HS 30-1
      9cm Mecar
    1. 157/210/45 mm
    2. 220/220/270 HP
    3. 9cm Pak 57
    4. 160/220/45 mm
    5. 240/240/320 HP
      HS 30
    1. 30/15/10 mm
    2. HS 30-2
    3. 30/15/10 mm
    1. 600 m
    2. SE-407
    3. 710 m
    4. SE-412A
    5. 770 m
      Rolls Royce V Petrol
    1. 240 hp
    2. Chrysler V8
    3. 240 hp
      HS 30 HS 30-2
    Pirat Pirat
    Hispano-Suiza 30 9cm L.Mot.Pak.Hispano, HS 30

    This is the Swiss HS-30 as everyone knows it. It’s hull is similarly shaped to that of the Panzer 58 family. It was equipped with a 90mm Gun which would have good Depression angles ( 10°-12°). In addition it has good mobility which means that in return, it would have no armor. (30mm at best)

    Pirat Pirat

    First tested in 1957, several prototypes built.

  • 20/15/15 mm
  • ??
  • 12 t
  • 60 kph
  • 21.7 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver
  • HS 30 HS 30
      9cm Mecar
    1. 157/210/45 mm
    2. 220/220/270 HP
    3. 9cm Pak 57
    4. 160/220/45 mm
    5. 240/240/320 HP
    6. 9cm CML
    7. 180/250/45 mm
    8. 240/240/320 HP
      Pirat early
    1. 20/15/15 mm
    2. Pirat late
    3. 20/15/15 mm
    1. 600 m
    2. SE-407
    3. 710 m
    4. SE-412A
    5. 770 m
      Chrysler V8
    1. 240 hp
    2. Ford V8
    3. 260 hp
      Pirat (early) Pirat (late)
    A.14/90 A.14/90
    MOWAG Pirat 9cm L.Mot.Pak.Mowag

    It’s very similar to the HS-30 with the only difference that it’s even smaller and has even better gun depression values. It’s even lighter than the HS-30 and is even faster. But that also means that it has even less protection. this time it’s 20mm at most.

    A.14/90 A.14/90

    Based on the AA Tank A.14 by Hispano Suiza. Only a Mockup was built in 1955.

  • ?? mm
  • ??
  • 11.3 t
  • 60 kph
  • 23 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver
  • Pirat Pirat
      9cm Pak 57
    1. 160/220/45 mm
    2. 240/240/320 HP
    3. 9cm CML
    4. 180/250/45 mm
    5. 240/240/320 HP
    6. 9cm Kanone L/39
    7. 207/265/45 mm
    8. 240/240/320 HP
    1. 20/15/15 mm
    1. 710 m
    2. SE-412A
    3. 770 m
    4. SE-412C
    5. 830 m
      Chrysler V8
    1. 240 hp
    2. Ford V8
    3. 260 hp
      A.14 A.14 PaK
    Tornado Tornado
    A.14 mit 9cm Kanone A.14/90

    This Tank which had one Prototype built, was originally meant as an AA Vehicle. It was also planned to be fitted with other Weaponry like a 90mm Gun if the Trials on the AA Prototype were successful It handles much like the Pirat and the HS-30, but it’s even lighter (11.3 Tons with a 240 bhp Engine) and at the same time being larger than the Pirat. Which means that the Armor is basically non existent and that it would be extremely mobile.

    Tornado Tornado


  • ?? mm
  • ??
  • 22.3 t
  • 70 kph
  • 26 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver
  • A.14/90 A.14/90
      105mm Rh-105-11
    1. 240/275/53 mm
    2. 360/360/440 HP
      MOWAG Tornado 105
    1. ??/??/?? mm
    1. 830 m
      Detroit V8-71A-TLK
    1. 580 hp
      MOWAG Tornado
    MOWAG Tornado


    Panzerkanone II Panzerkanone II

    Heavy tank based on the chassis on the Nahkampfkanone II.

  • 70/??/?? mm
  • -8°/+20°
  • 25 t
  • 50 kph
  • 11.2 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver, Radioman
  • Panzer 39/41 Panzer 39/41
      7.5 cm Kanone L/42
    1. 103/139/38 mm
    2. 110/110/175 HP
    3. 7.5 cm L/47
    4. 110/155/38 mm
    5. 110/110/175 HP
    6. 10.5 cm HB.42
    7. 58/95/53 mm
    8. 350/350/410 HP
      7.5cm Panzerturm
    1. 75/??/?? mm
    1. 465 m
    2. SE-202
    3. 600 m
      SLM Diesel 220bhp
    1. 220 hp
    2. Saurer CV1DL
    3. 280 hp
      Nahkampfkanone II Pazerkanone II
    Laupen 16t Laupen 16t
    Panzerkanone II

    It is a heavy tank based on the chassis on the NK II. It would have 70-75mm Of frontal armor with a top speed of 50 km/h While there wasn’t a blueprint on this vehicle per se there was however a very strong suggestion in the Shape of a Turret Drawing part of the NK I and II development.

    Laupen 16t Laupen 16t

    Tank Project for a 16 ton Tank intended to fight against the Soviet IS-3, Based on the G-13 Tank destroyer.

  • 65/20/8 mm
  • ??
  • 16 t
  • 40 kph
  • 13.8 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver
  • Panzerkanone II Panzerkanone II
      7.5 cm Kanone L/42
    1. 103/139/38 mm
    2. 110/110/175 HP
    3. 7.5 cm Kanone L/49
    4. 115/162/38 mm
    5. 110/110/175 HP
    6. 7.5 cm Kanone L/73
    7. 152/198/38 mm
    8. 135/135/175 HP
    9. 9 cm Kanone L/40
    10. 150/210/45 mm
    11. 240/240/320 HP
      7.5cm Panzerturm
    1. 75/??/?? mm
    2. Laupen 16t
    3. 60/25/?? mm
    1. 600 m
    2. SE-206
    3. 650 m
    4. SE-407
    5. 710 m
      Saurer CH2DRM diesel
    1. 150 hp
    2. SLM Diesel 220bhp
    3. 220 hp
      G-13 Laupen Laupen 16t
    Laupen 14t Laupen 14t KW 40/52 KW 40/52
    Laupen 16t

    To put it simply, Laupen 16t is originally a light tank on the chassis of the G-13. Reason why i won’t make this and Laupen 14t light tanks is due to their armament, armor and mobility. Since both have around the same nominal thickness (same as Hetzers upper plate), one having thicker plates than the other and while the other has a better slope, it would still be better than most tier 6 mediums. In addition they have a 90mm gun which would make it similar to Skoda T40 or VK 30.01 (P). Also their mobility would be bad for a proper light tank with only having a top speed of 40-45 km/h.

    KW 30/52 KW 30/52

    Switzerlands first attempt at building a 30 ton medium tank in 1952, 1 mockup and one prototype were built.

  • 60/45/35 mm
  • -15°/??
  • 33 t
  • 60 kph
  • 24.2 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver
  • Laupen 14t Laupen 14t
      9 cm Kanone L/60
    1. 180/250/45 mm
    2. 240/240/320 HP
    3. 9 cm Kanone model 1948
    4. 219/264/45 mm
    5. 240/240/320 HP
    1. 60/25/?? mm
    2. KW 30
    3. 70/45/45 mm
    1. 710 m
    2. SE-412A
    3. 770 m
      Maybach 600bhp
    1. 600 hp
    2. Hispano Suiza 800bhp
    3. 800 hp
      KW 30/52 KW 30/53
    Panzer 61 Panzer 61
    KW 30/52

    This Tank was by far the hardest vehicle to get any proper information for. However i have found enough material to finally complete the tank and to even get a custom Drawing made for it. There also is an earlier post on RsR so go check it out here. However to put things simple: It basically is a T20, practically no armor (70mm frontally at most, 45mm side), and a good gun, Mobility varies from document to document, while documents from 1952 say that it would go 60 km/h, however documents from 1953 say it goes 45 km/h, so WG actually have some room to balance if the rest of the tank turns out to be to good or to bad.

    KW 30/57 KW 30/57

    Further development of KW 30/52, with rounded armor due to the influence of the American M48 Patton. It was later renamed to Panzer 58.

  • 90/30/40 mm
  • -10°/+25°
  • 35 t
  • 50 kph
  • 17.1 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver
    1. 9 cm Kanone model 1948
    2. 219/264/45 mm
    3. 240/240/320 HP
      KW 30/57
    1. 70/45/45 mm
    1. 710 m
      MB 837 Ba-500
    1. 600 hp
      KW 30/57
    KW 30/57 Panzer 58 Prototyp

    This is the Real Panzer 58 first prototype, unlike the Panzer 58 Mutz, which is very unhistorical as it has not only the wrong model for the Tank, but also they couldn’t get the 90mm gun right.

    What they also could have done is simply give it the 20 pdr gun, less work and the extra penetration would have been welcomed.

    The Armor of the ingame Panzer 58 is also very wrong as the gun mantle should have been 130mm at the thinnest part and 200mm at it’s thickest part. Not to mention the fact that the turret roof would be around twice as thick for the most part and the Turret front should have a much larger 120mm area than it currently has. Those points and the fact that KW 30/57 has sideskirts would make it much more durable than the Fake Panzer 58 in game.

    Panzer 61 Panzer 61

    Further improvements on Panzer 58 was made which lead to the Panzer 61 such as a better engine, a new Turret design and some other changes to the exterior and interior.

  • 120/40/40 mm
  • -10°/+25°
  • 39.7 t
  • 55 kph
  • 15.9 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver
  • KW 30/52 KW 30/52
      9 cm Kanone model 1948
    1. 212/256/45 mm
    2. 240/240/320 HP
    3. 8.4 cm Kanone
    4. 226/258/42 mm
    5. 230/230/280 HP
    6. 10.5 cm PzK 61
    7. 268/330/53 mm
    8. 390/390/480 HP
      Panzer 58
    1. 120/65/40 mm
    2. Panzer 61
    3. 120/65/40 mm
    1. 710 m
    2. SE-412A
    3. 770 m
      Hispano petrol
    1. 600 hp
    2. MB 837 Ba-500 (630)
    3. 630 hp
      Panzer 61 AA1 Panzer 61 AA9
    Panzer 68 Panzer 68
    Mittlerer Panzer 1961 Panzer 61

    Nothing Special about this vehicle. It is the first ever mass produced Tank in Switzerland. It’s similar to KW 30/57 and Panzer 58, however it has a different turret and exhaust system It’s also faster (55 km/h) since it has a bigger Engine.

    Panzer 68 Panzer 68

    Modernisation of the Panzer 61, aside from a more powerful engine and rubber pads on the tracks, not a lot has changed.

  • 120/40/40 mm
  • -10°/+25°
  • 39 t
  • 55 kph
  • 16.9 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver
  • Panzer 61 Panzer 61
      10.5 cm PzK 61
    1. 268/330/53 mm
    2. 390/390/480 HP
      Panzer 68
    1. 120/65/40 mm
    1. 830 m
      MTU MB 837 Ba-500 (660)
    1. 660 hp
      Panzer 68
    Mittlerer Panzer 1968 Panzer 68

    It it’s essence it is a Panzer 61 with an even bigger engine and rubber pads on it’s tracks. Look at it like with the AMX 30 and 30b, however this time it’s an actual upgrade rather than mobility going down for the sake of firepower.



  • 80/40/30 mm
  • ???
  • 35 t
  • 55 kph
  • 21.4 hp/t
  • ??
    1. 15.5 cm Haubitze NSFH
    2. 45 mm
    3. 750 HP
    1. 80/40/30 mm
    1. 830 m
      MBX 833 RA-500 V6
    1. 750 hp
    Neue Selbstfahr Haubitze NSFH


    KW 40/52 KW 40/52

    Due to the armor of the KW 30 being to poor. It was suggested to increase its weight by 10-15 tons and increase its armor.

  • 110/60/35 mm
  • ??
  • 45 t
  • 35 kph
  • 14.4 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver
  • Laupen 16t Laupen 16t
      9 cm Kanone L/60
    1. 180/250/45 mm
    2. 240/240/320 HP
    3. 9 cm Kanone L/70
    4. 200/275/45 mm
    5. 240/240/320 HP
      KW 30
    1. 70/45/45 mm
    2. KW 40
    3. 170/100/100 mm
    1. 710 m
    2. SE-412A
    3. 770 m
      Maybach 600bhp
    1. 600 hp
    2. Maybach HL210
    3. 650 hp
      KW 30/52 KW 40/52
    KW 1950 KW 1950
    KW 40/52

    40-45 ton version of KW 30. Due to the KW 30 having very poor armor with the proposed weight of 30 tons, it was suggested that KW 30 would have been uparmored to get a similar amor thickness as the M48 patton, so arround 170mm Turret armor and arround 110mm- 120mm hull armor frontally and arround 75mm side armor.

    Top speed of arround 45 km/h with an estimated Hp/ton ratio of 13.3 hp/ton.

    The gun would be a 90mm gun.

    The reason why this never happened is because of the swiss designers figuring out rounded armor arround 2-3 years later thanks to the american Patton tanks. ( So yes, the Panzer 58 looks the way it looks thanks to the Americans)

    KW 1950 KW 1950

    The first design of what would become the KW 30. While being rather light, it’s frontal protection would have been outstanding.

  • 65/40/?? mm
  • -10°/+15°
  • 40 t
  • 50 kph
  • 15 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver
  • KW 40/52 KW 40/52
      9 cm Kanone L/62
    1. 176/238/45 mm
    2. 240/240/320 HP
    3. 9 cm Kanone L/70
    4. 200/275/45 mm
    5. 240/240/320 HP
    6. 10.5 cm Kanone L/60
    7. 228/296/45 mm
    8. 320/320/420 HP
      KW 40
    1. 180/80/40 mm
    2. KW 30/50
    3. 350/40/40
    1. 650 m
    2. SE-407
    3. 710 m
    4. SE-412A
    5. 770 m
      2x SLM Winterthur
    1. 440 hp
    2. Saurer 600bhp
    3. 600 hp
      KW 30 (1950) Panzer 30t
    Panzer 74D Panzer 74D
    KW 1950 KW 30/50, KW50

    It’s called KW 50 due to the fact that it was designed in 1950 and thus is an earlier veihcle as KW 40/52, in order to avoid confusion with the name i changed it from KW 30/50 to KW 50.

    While this vehicle used to be a Medium tank candidate, it would be much better suited in the Heavy tank line. While it would have been 30 tons, it’s far from being a glass cannon. Due to it’s hull being rather well angled and most importantly, piked. Because of that, the armor thickness and thus the weight could have been reduced. In WoT’s mechanics the primary angle is 65° which is 5° off from the auto bounce area, couple that with the secondary angle of 5-10° you get a upper plate which is: while relatively thin, very effective in bouncing shots.

    The Turret itself, it very well armored as well, with areas being 300-400 mm thick, it would be a hulldown monster as it has a 10° gun depression, however the Turret becomes very weak relatively quickly so shooting the turret on the most outer part may result in a pen.

    In addition, the side of the hull is only 30mm which can be overmatched by most guns it meets.

    The gun would be a 105mm gun with average penetration for tier 8.

    And if you think that this sounds very OP, don’t forget that things like gun characteristics and ground resistance can be nerfed to make it more balanced against same tiered tanks.

    Panzer 74D Panzer 74D

    Designed in 1969, the project itself was called Panzer 74. This vehicle features a smaller turret than the other Variants.

  • 110/40/30 mm
  • -12°/+21°
  • 50 t
  • 68 kph
  • 15 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver
  • KW 1950 KW 1950
      10.5 cm Kanone L/60
    1. 228/296/45 mm
    2. 320/320/420 HP
    3. 10.5 cm PzK 61
    4. 268/330/53 mm
    5. 390/390/480 HP
    6. 12 cm Kanone L11
    7. 267/334/61 mm
    8. 420/420/510 HP
      KW 30/50
    1. 350/40/40
    2. Panzer 74D
    3. 250/100/50 mm
    1. 710 m
    2. SE-412A
    3. 770 m
    4. SE-412C
    5. 770 m
      Saurer 500 bhp
    1. 500 hp
    2. MBX 833 BA-500
    3. 750 hp
      VFZ 69 Variante T Panzer 74D
    1. Hydraulic
    Panzer 74F Panzer 74F
    Panzer 74D

    Normally known as Panzer 74 from my former articles, VFZ 69 is it’s first name from 1969 when the first design was proposed. Armor would be as follows: 250 mm Frontal turret armor, 100 mm side turret armor and almost nothing on the rear.

    Hull would be 120-150mm on the front ( there are no armor numbers given for the hull, this is pure guesswork) and 35ish on the side of the hull.

    It would have the option to mount a 105mm L7, a 110mm gun and the famous 120mm L11 chieftain gun.

    In addition to that it would have multiple engines propelling 46 tons of tank, the engine which i try to get WG to actually implement would be a 750hp engine which would give it a hp/ ton ratio of 16 hp/ton and a top speed of around 68 km/h

    Panzer 74F Panzer 74F

    Featuring a larger turret and an automated loading system.

  • 130/40/30 mm
  • -10°/+21°
  • 53 t
  • 68 kph
  • 14.2 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver
  • Panzer 74D Panzer 74D
      12 cm Kanone L11
    1. 267/334/61 mm
    2. 420/420/510 HP
      VFZ 69 Variante F
    1. 250/100/50 mm
    1. 830 m
      MBX 833 BA-500
    1. 750 hp
      VFZ 69 Variante H
    1. Hydraulic
    Panzer 74 Variante F VFZ 69 Variante F

    Same as Tier 9, however it would have a bigger turret and a hydropneumatic suspension.

    N.kanone I N.kanone I

    Tank destroyer based on prolonged Panzer 39 chasis.

  • 40/25/?? mm
  • ???
  • 12.5 t
  • 55 kph
  • 12 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Driver, Loader, Radioman
  • Panzer 41 (34M) Panzer 41 (34M)
      7.5 cm FeldK. 42 L/42
    1. 103/139/38 mm
    2. 110/110/175 HP
    3. 7.5 cm Kanone L/49
    4. 115/162/38 mm
    5. 110/110/175 HP
      NK I Ausf. F1
    1. 25/25/25 mm
    1. 465 m
    2. SE-202
    3. 600 m
      Saurer Arbon CT1D
    1. 120 hp
    2. Saurer CH2DRM
    3. 150 hp
      NK I NK I verstärkte Ketten
    G-13 G-13 NK I Ausf. F2 NK I Ausf. F2
    Nahkampfkanone I Ausf. F1 NK I

    The 7.5 cm gun armed version of the NK I unlike Ausf. F2, which was an open topped vehicle, F1 had a closed fighting compartment. It’s playstyle would be very similar to the German Marders.

    G-13 G-13

    G-13 tank destroyer bought from Czechoslovakia recieved some upguning proposals.

  • 60/20/8 mm
  • ???
  • 16 t
  • 45 kph
  • 13.8 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Driver, Loader
  • N.kanone I N.kanone I
      7.5 cm Pak 40 L/48
    1. 110/155/38 mm
    2. 110/110/175 HP
    3. 7.5cm Pak 51
    4. 144/202/38 mm
    5. 135/135/175 HP
    6. 7.5cm Pak 51 (trommel)
    7. 144/202/38 mm
    8. 135/135/175 HP
    9. 3
    10. 7cm Pak L/80
    11. 170/215/35 mm
    12. 100/100/160 HP
    1. 465 m
    2. SE-202
    3. 600 m
      Saurer CH2DRM
    1. 150 hp
    2. Praga EPA AC/2800
    3. 160 hp
    4. SLM Diesel
    5. 220 hp
      G-13 G-13D
    NK IIA Gustav NK IIA Gustav

    While the base vehicle is known as the Hetzer in WoT, this G-13 version, which i found in the archives, would have the same gun as the AMX 13 75. Whether it had an autoloader or if it was loaded by hand is not known, however it certainly would be able to hold up to other tier 5 TDs.

    NK IIA Gustav NK IIA Gustav

    Tank destroyer built in 1946. It was mounted with various real and mockup guns during it’s lifetime. It can be found at the Panzermuseum Thun in Bern.

  • 70/??/?? mm
  • ???
  • 24 t
  • 50 kph
  • 18.3 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Driver, Loader, Radioman
  • G-13 G-13
      7.5 cm Kanone L/49
    1. 115/162/38 mm
    2. 110/110/175 HP
    3. 7.5cm Pak L/73
    4. 152/198/38 mm
    5. 135/135/175 HP
    6. 9 cm Kanone L/60
    7. 180/250/45 mm
    8. 240/240/320 HP
    9. 15cm HB 16 L/14
    10. 86/150 mm
    11. 910/700 HP
    1. 465 m
    2. SE-202
    3. 600 m
    4. SE-407
    5. 710 m
      Saurer CV1DL
    1. 280 hp
    2. 2x SLM Winterthur
    3. 440 hp
      Nahkampfkanone II A1 Nahkampfkanone II A2
    NK IIB Gustav 2 NK IIB Gustav 2 Skorpion Skorpion
    Nahkampfkanone II Gustav

    This oddly shaped TD would be a force to be reckoned with in World of Tanks, while the only built prototype has a “mere” 7.5 cm Pak L/49, it’s project life in the 40s was quite extensive. Multiple guns ( most of them mock ups) like 7.5 cm Pak L/73, 9cm Pak. L/60, 10.5 cm Pak L/60 and 15 cm HB 16 L/14 were mounted on this vehicle.

    The NK II A in WoT would only mount all 7.5 cm guns and the 9cm gun and maybe the 15 cm gun for the lols.

    NK IIB Gustav 2 NK IIB Gustav 2

    Upgraded version of the NKII with additional spaced armor at the front.

  • 70+15/??/?? mm
  • ???
  • 26 t
  • 50 kph
  • 16.9 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Driver, Loader, Radioman
  • NK IIA Gustav NK IIA Gustav
      7.5cm Pak L/73
    1. 152/198/38 mm
    2. 135/135/175 HP
    3. 9 cm Kanone L/60
    4. 180/250/45 mm
    5. 240/240/320 HP
    6. 15cm HB 16 L/14
    7. 86/150 mm
    8. 910/700 HP
    9. 10.5 cm Kanone L/60
    10. 228/296/45 mm
    11. 320/320/420 HP
    1. 710 m
    2. SE-412A
    3. 770 m
      Saurer CV1DL
    1. 280 hp
    2. 2x SLM Winterthur
    3. 440 hp
      Nahkampfkanone II B1 Nahkampfkanone II B2
    HM-13 Gepard HM-13 Gepard
    Nahkampfkanone IIB Gustav 2

    Same as Nahkampfkanone II A, however II B would have a layer of 15mm spaced armor all over it’s frontal armor which was actually a real proposal back in 1946 in order to make the shape of the vehicle more even.

    In addition, the tier 7 version would get the above mentioned 10.5 cm Pak. L/60

    HM-13 Gepard HM-13 Gepard

    One of three competing Kanonenjagdpanzer designs. one built and is located in the Militärmuseum Full Reuenthal.

  • 30/30/8 mm
  • ???
  • 24.8 t
  • 70 kph
  • 22.2 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Driver, Loader
  • NK IIB Gustav 2 NK IIB Gustav 2 Skorpion Skorpion
      9 cm Mecar N
    1. 180/250/45 mm
    2. 240/240/320 HP
    3. 9 cm DM1
    4. 238/250/102 mm
    5. 240/240/320 HP
    6. 10.5 cm PzK 61
    7. 268/330/53 mm
    8. 390/390/480 HP
    1. 710 m
    2. SE-412A
    3. 770 m
      MB 835 Aa-500
    1. 500 hp
    2. Mowag M 10 DV-TLK
    3. 550 hp
      HM-13 MOWAG Gepard
    JgPz Ruf JgPz Ruf
    HM-13 Gepard

    It’s characteristics would be very similar to the Kanonenjagdpanzer, however it could mount the 105mm L7 gun.

    JgPz Ruf JgPz Ruf

    Designed by Walter Ruf, engineer from the MOWAG company. This vehicle is not a lot different from the HM-13 aside from the fact that it was meant to go forward and backwards at the same speed of 72 km/h.

  • 30/30/30 mm
  • ???
  • 25.8 t
  • 72 kph
  • 22.3 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Driver, Loader
  • HM-13 Gepard HM-13 Gepard
      9 cm DM1
    1. 238/250/102 mm
    2. 240/240/320 HP
    3. 10.5 cm PzK 61
    4. 268/330/53 mm
    5. 390/390/480 HP
    1. 710 m
    2. SE-412A
    3. 770 m
      Mowag M 10 DV-TLK
    1. 550 hp
    2. Detroit 8V-71T
    3. 575 hp
      Jagdpanzer MOWAG Jagdpanzer Ruf
    Taifun Taifun
    Jagdpanzer Ruf

    Kanonenjagdpanzer version designed by MOWAG engineer Walter Ruf. It’s more or less the same as tier 8, aside from the fact that it does have two drivers, one in the front and one in the rear. It had the intention to drive backwards just as fast as it could forwards. And while it was a designfor the 90mm Kanonenjagdpanzer, considering that this is from one of MOWAGs engineers, it’s safe to assume that this veihlce could also mount a 105mm L7 gun if it was ever built.

    Taifun Taifun

    The last ever Casemate Tank destroyer ever built based on the MOWAG Tornado chassis. It featured a modular gun system and had very good mobility. Only one built. It has been scrapped.

  • 50/30/20 mm
  • ???
  • 26.5 t
  • 72 kph
  • 21.7 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Driver, Loader
  • JgPz Ruf JgPz Ruf
      12 cm Pak L11
    1. 270/334/61 mm
    2. 440/440/510 HP
    1. 830 m
      Detroit 8V-71T
    1. 575 hp
      MOWAG Taifun
    MOWAG Taifun

    Everyone’s favourite Jagdpanzer IV on steroids, It would have very good mobility and camo rating as well as a quick firing gun. Talking about guns: It’s a modular tank so any gun could be added. The original project used the 105mm L7 but guns like the 120mm L11 could also be used.

    Skorpion Skorpion

    90mm armed Tank destroyer from 1957, one prototype built.

  • 20/10/10 mm
  • ??
  • 10 t
  • 50 kph
  • 26 hp/t
  • Commander, Gunner, Driver
  • NK IIA Gustav NK IIA Gustav
      57mm Kanone
    1. 110/138/28 mm
    2. 85/85/95 HP
    3. 7.5cm Pak L/73
    4. 152/198/38 mm
    5. 135/135/175 HP
    6. 9cm CML
    7. 180/250/45 mm
    8. 240/240/320 HP
      MOWAG Skorpion
    1. 10/10/10 mm
    1. 600 m
    2. SE-407
    3. 710 m
    4. SE-412A
    5. 770 m
      Chrysler V8
    1. 240 hp
    2. Ford V8
    3. 260 hp
      Skorpion 57 Skorpion 90
    Chansard 6 Chansard 6
    MOWAG Skorpion

    To be honest, this is a vehicle where i barely know anything about as i’d have to look into the archives of MOWAG which i haven’t gotten access into yet. However one thing is for sure: It had paper for armor and a 9 cm gun.

    the MOWAG Skorpion is going to be the bridge from the light tank line to the TD line as it’s only researchable mid-hightier turreted TD now.


    About the proposal

    This proposal has tenks.